Trainerin, Coach & Mediatorin BM®
Brief info

Ingrid Gartner-Steffen
Trainerin, Coach & Mediatorin BM®

Ingrid Gartner-Steffen was, for many years, the head of Training and Development at the Civilian Personnel Directorate of the U.S. Forces in Berlin. She directed all aspects of the training operations serving an organization employing over 6,000 people from over 40 nations. She was also a lecturer in management sciences in the College of Applied Sciences for Administration and Legal Affairs in Berlin (Fachhochschule für Verwaltung und Rechtspflege (FHVR)) before founding the Gartner-Steffen Institute for Personnel Development in 1994. Gartner-Steffen Coaching and Conflict Resolution Consulting was added as an independent Institute in 2017. Both organizations conduct training, research, and consulting.
Ms. Gartner-Steffen has studied adult pedagogy at Berlin’s Humboldt University, has completed the Chamber of Commerce Exam (IHK-Exam) as a personnel expert (Personalfachkauffrau) and programs to become a trainer. She has completed additional education in organizational systems analysis and consulting (systemische Strukturaufstellung) which further supports her work in management and executive coaching.

She is a trained and certified mediator and is a member of the German Federal Mediation Association (Bundesverband MEDIATION e.V.).

Her clients are from a wide variety of public and private sectors including members of the Employers’ Federation in Berlin and Brandenburg, the Academy for Germanys Public Service, and the Chamber of Commerce in Berlin, as well as a variety of separate corporations and non-profit organizations.

According to a poll by the magazine FOCUS and the XING network, Ingrid Gartner-Steffen belongs to Germany’s Top 500 coaches for executive and management personnel and for developing organizational teambuilding processes.

Since founding the Gartner-Steffen Institute for Coaching and Conflict Resolution Consulting, the main emphasis of her work is on working with and coaching leadership personnel on all levels – in particular, concerning specific leadership issues and making leaders aware of more effective and successful communication methods and patterns. She has developed also targeted training for teambuilding across generations to deal with intergenerational conflict.

Overall, Ms. Gartner-Steffen provides broad support to companies and employees in issues concerning communication, conflict resolution, and cooperative teamwork.



+49 30 8265242
Bülowstraße 66,
10783 Berlin
