

The performance of a company depends widely upon how good the cooperation works between the individual departments and between the individual employees. Regardless of how expensive the machinery may be, it is always the people who bring results. This happens best hand-in-hand – through successful and dedicated team work. Team work doesn’t let itself be ruled, it has to be…

Why Feedback and Feedback Culture?

A deciding factor for the success or fail in your professional field of work is not how a person is but how he is perceived by others. When I know how I come across to others, then there are two essential consequences: First, I’ll better understand the behaviour of my fellow human beings towards myself, and secondly, I can better…

What happens in a team workshop?

An essential element is to establish a helpful, and for the respective team, suitable feedback culture. The point here is not for you to expose yourself or give away secrets but to find out how you come across to others, and at the same time, find out if these impressions are indeed the ones that you want to achieve ..…



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10783 Berlin
